
Worded Wednesday 6-11-14

Real Estate Agent with Downing-Frye Realty, Bonita Springs, FL 676419

You're gonna need a bigger boat.

I have retooled Wordless Wednesday and decided that it is Worded Wednesday, for me at least.   My super power is paddling. I've been a standup paddleboarder since before it was trendy.  My usual paddles in the summer are early morning, so I can watch the sun come up.  The usual suspects who join me are dolphin, manatee, fish and birds.   After seeing a few tarpon fins, I thought it as a tarpon coming toward me but the fin wan't bent over. Since the "fish" didn't come up for air, it wasn't a dolphin.  Then it turned sideways to circle my paddleboard and I figured out what it was.  Totally harmless for anyone who is conserned. So harmless, in fact, that I didn't pick up the loud mouth dog, but opened my king size otterbox and pulled out my good camera and was able to get off this shot before it finished circling in the board ... and swimming off into the sunrise.

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Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Chris - You must have been quick and had that camera handy.  That is a great shot. 

Jun 10, 2014 09:08 PM
Adrian Willanger
206 909-7536 - Seattle, WA
Profit from my two decades of experience

Chris-look what you may have missed if you weren't an early riser. Great photo. 

Jun 11, 2014 10:44 AM
Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

I can't even imagine being on a paddleboard and seeing that fin anywhere near my realm. . . Yikes!

Jun 11, 2014 02:13 PM
Regina P. Brown
MBA Broker Consultants - Carlsbad, CA
M.B.A., Broker, Instructor

Oh, that was close!  I'm glad it's harmless and you're safe.  Nice photo!

Jun 12, 2014 08:05 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Great picture Chris, paddling sounds like a great way to start a summer morning, I always enjoy the solitude of an early morning canoe ride around a lake.

Jun 13, 2014 01:24 PM
Alan Kirkpatrick
Austin Texas Homes - Round Rock, TX
Alan in Austin

Chris: Great picture and story. Love the adventure but not sure I would have been as calm as you. 

Jun 14, 2014 12:01 AM