MNDLS (Multi New Developments Listing Service Inc.) has had over 25,000 hits on its website so far and it's growing by the Day.
With the weak dollar compared to the euro it is no wonder why it seems to be taking off overseas.
MNDLS is a brand new start up website that allows consumers working through their agent to search for new developments, and if they purchase from a developer on the website the agent can earn a referral fee from the developer.
Also the agent who refers the developer to the site can also earn a referral fee from the developer.
Agents and developers have a built in database that allows them to keep track of where their customer are in the buying process and it secures the referral.
Developers can change their promotions for both customers and agents as often as they like so they can use the most effective marketing for the development and keep both informed about their projects.
MNDLS has exceeded its own expectations for hits on the site and now to keep it going they need new developments for customers to view.
MNDLS offers developers a format to be able to change their information such as broker promotions or customer promotions on a daily basis.
They have up to a 250 word description of their development with up to 20, 800k jpeg
Photos for only $50.00 per year / per community.
Real estate agents should be out signing up everyone they can because they get a referral fee when their developments sell through the site. (up to 1%).
When an agent's customer buys through the site they can earn at least a 2% referral fee or maybe more depending on what that particular development pays.some are paying a 10% referral fee
Developers that we have spoken with love the pay for performance concept and want it to succeed but the real key is in the agents.
Why wouldn't a agent want a website were they could refer a customer too and earn a 2% referral fee or more vs referring their customer to another agent and getting 25% of the commission.
Also if you refer a developer to the site you can earn up to a 1% referral fee for everything they sell through the site.
This to me takes no brains for developers and real estate professionals at $25 per year for agents and $50 per year for a development.
I value everyone's opinion on active rain and would like your feedback on a tool that will help YOU make more in 2008.
Lets face it, NAR said early this week that agent need to diversify their efforts on the Internet and be creative with their marketing.
Being able to refer a customer directly to a developer and receive a referral fee has come to the Internet and now is the time to take advantage of it.
Please respond with your comments or questions, Thank You.