Probably any agent using top producer (and not on vacation) has noticed that Top Producer 8i has been down for multiple days!!! They are blaming it on their internet provider (who provides service to their data center)... That may be the case, but my question would be, "Why haven't you switched providers yet?" The reason does not matter. The fact is, we cannot access our data.
What are some lessons that should be learned from all of this?
First - If using an online CRM (customer relationship manager) make sure it can sync with google contacts, or another service, so that you have access to your data in the event of a systems failure like Top Producer is having. While I cannot access client notes, listing data, and none of my team can log new leads, we all still have access to existing client information. I have Top Producer sync with my gmail contacts. My gmail contacts sync with my android cell. So... I can still work. Since they have been down I have taken three listings, and am able to continue running my business.
Second - My old school white board with the names of seller leads, addresses, phone numbers, and next steps IS a good idea! Not only does it keep my current money making business in my face, but I am not desperately trying to remember who I am supposed to be getting something from! And trust me, if I did not have it on a white board right now I would not know what listings I had taken this week, or who I am following up with for next week.
As annoying as the Top Producer crash is... They are still the top CRM for a reason. I do not accept this complete failure. I do not accept their suggestion when I talked to them this week ("Work on something else for a while until we get this fixed"). I think that they should be held accountable for the losses and aggravation agents are experiencing. BUT, you own your business. It it your job to have contingencies in place to continue moving forward when your partners fail.
Good Luck! Lets hope Top Producer will get their act together, and get back online this month! ;)
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Travis Realty - Enterprise, AL
email: / cell: 334-494-7846
I read some on their issue - DDoS. It's a big problem, but they KNEW it was coming, just not the scale and the length of time. As you said, seems they would've been better prepared.
Jun 19, 2014 01:43 PM
Effective Agent - Orem, UT
THE Effective Agent
Agreed Travis. A company of their size, with the traffic they get, and the critical nature of the service that they provide, and they do not have a redundant ISP at their data center? OR did not proactivly address the issue? Sheesh!
Jun 20, 2014 02:41 AM