Do you have clients who are selling to move in together? I recently wrote about a colleague who, in preparation for married life, is selling "hers", "his" and buying "theirs".
If you 're considering getting married or you and your favorite person are moving in together, this decision is a big one. Who stays and who moves? Do you decide to sell both homes and buy a new home to start afresh?
Once you’ve made the choice to move in together, the next decision is how you’re going to merge all your stuff into one home that reflects each persons’ taste and style. Combining households isn't for the faint of heart!
If you're just starting out, chances are you haven't accumulated much. But if your transition is happening mid life, the move may include one or more lifetimes of accumulated furniture, memories and treasures.
Now is a great opportunity to take a good hard look at everything you both own. Is it still relevant to your life today? Does it have a purpose or is it dead weight? Do you still like it? That’s the most important question. Because if you don’t like it or it’s not pleasing to you then it’s time to ditch it. Do you have duplicates? There are only so many potato mashers you're going to need. Keep the best and toss the rest!
5 Tips on Merging Your Stuff
1. Plan and measure each room. Know what furniture will fit before moving it into your new space. Size alone may be the determining factor on what to keep and what to sell or donate.
2. Some dedicated personal space will keep everyone happy. Need a home office? Make sure you have a setup that will support you. Not in the master bedroom though.
3. Hire a professional to help you with the transition. With the help of an objective eye, different styles can be combined to look fresh and new.
4. Only keep your best art and your best collectibles. Truly. If you both have different tastes, then this mantra is even more important.
5. Leave room in your home to gradually add new pieces you can choose together. Ours vs mine is a recipe for harmony.
Leave room to create a new home that you both can feel at home in. That’s the most important tip of all. Minimize the stress of moving in together by focusing on the positive aspects of your new life and be willing to leave the past behind.
It's challenging enough to begin a new chapter of your life. I think focusing on the present and the future is a great way to start.
My colleague has already made an appointment to have me come in and help pick colors and make sense of his and hers furniture a few days after they close on their new home.
Did you face any challenges when you made a move? I'd love to hear your "merging" tips!