The lighter side of the Minneapolis Mortgage game.
Today is Friday----Finally!!!
As we all struggle with the recent 'quick underwriting of CITI' and the lovely appraisal reviews that are commonplace. I thought I would remind everyone----first and foremost---life is good and spring is coming.
Even though the past year has given all of us grey hairs----aka 'wisdom hair'---in all too rapid fashion, the fact remains-----------WE ARE STILL HERE!!!
This means we have survived the likes of 30 plus major banks---Bear Stearns and the likes. Who would have ever dreamed that each of us would outlast our lenders? As the ground begins to thaw and the sun begins to warm us from head to toe----we have to smile at the fact, the market is showing signs of turning in our favor.
For those of you not living here in Sunny Minneapolis, Minnesota---feel free to make a visit soon as the tundra is beginning to disappear.
Also, as Uptown Financial Corp. begins to show its color to the community of Active Rain; we openly invite those interested in learning more about our capabilites and relationships in the marketplace. Currently, we are working with strategic Networks to meet our clients Finance/Mortgage needs in the Residential, Commercial and International arenas. On the International Platform, our focus is on Latin America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama etc.)
Remember to smile----Spring is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take Care,
Ben Coulter
Minneapolis, Minnesota Based Company