
All of a sudden it's May 1st and the market has Died!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Suburban Lifestyle Real Estate 9502940


In many towns in the Northeast, the spring market in 2014 was quite robust.  Little inventory, low rates and the desire of buyers to "get that house"  led to multiple offers.   During the past two months, I have been chatting with other agents in Norfolk County and beyond and I hear the same thing.. HIgh end is slow, the market seems to have died overnight.  Of course, the market slows down every year - typically around Memorial Day.   The sales are still strong and year over year numbers are good - so perhaps, we peaked a bit early?  Sellers who have put their homes on the market in May - expected peak interest ( and price!) are clearly disappointed.  What are agents to do?  In my opinion, we should be doing what we always do:  price to sell, remind sellers to prepare the house well, be open to showing the house ( yes, if you don't show it, we can't sell it!)  Once we receive an offer, be responsive and reasonable on terms, inspection items etc.  Working together is a win-win!


Any thoughts from others?