
I'm so excited to be a newbie I can't stand it!

Home Stager with Revivify Designs~ Interior Design and Home Staging

Hello Everyone! My name is Tabitha and I am new to active rain! I have been reading alot of blogs lately and I must say that I am so excited to be a member! You all seem so very nice and helpful and I just can't wait to get to know all of you and make friendships!! I hope you don't get sick of me asking questions.:) I just graduated in Interior Design and I must say it is my calling in life. I have never  been so passionate about anything, I truly love it!! As I have been deciding exactly what route to go in design, I have helped a few friends and family get their houses ready to sell and it just clicked-- I LOVE HOME STAGING!! It just makes you feel so good to transform a space and make it more buyer friendly, but not only that, to really help someone out with your talent!! What a blessing!  Well that's a little bit about me and I once again just want to say hello to everyone and let you know how excited I am to learn from all of you! I hope one day I can be a veteran rather then a "newbie"!!! Well here we go, my first question is--- Do you guys market to just real estate agents or to homeowners themselves? I have alot of family who are real estate agents and they all think it is a good idea to market to the real estate agents because they might understand more than a homeowner how staging can really help, so what are your thoughts on that? Any comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks again!!


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David Spencer
Keller Williams Northland - Kansas City, MO
Show Me real estate in Kansas City
Welcome to AR. I have been here for about little over a year and my blog has generated $1.5 mil. in transactions.
Mar 28, 2008 10:22 AM
Cathy Lee
CL Design Services Home Staging - Danville, CA

Welcome Tabitha and best wishes for a successful business venture to you!!!  There is so much wonderful information here for you-have fun reading and blogging!!!! 

Cathy Lee, ASP  C.L. Designs Home Staging, Danville  CA

Mar 28, 2008 10:39 AM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

Welcome!  You're going to love it here!  I look forward to seeing your work and reading your blogs.


Mar 28, 2008 11:13 AM
Cari Pilon
RE:STYLE Home Staging - Brighton, MI
RE:STYLE Home Staging

Welcome to you Tabitha,

It is addictive so be careful! I look forward to reading yoour blogs and getting to know you!

Have fun!

Mar 28, 2008 11:22 AM
Kristina Leone
Lionheart Home Staging, LLC - Minneapolis, MN

Welcome, Tabitha!  It is always nice to see new faces!  AR is a great place to get fresh ideas.

Kristina, KFM Staging & Design - A Minnesota Home Staging Company

Mar 28, 2008 11:43 AM
Melissa Marro
Keller Williams First Coast Realty - The Marro Team - Orange Park, FL
Jacksonville Real Estate and Home Staging
Tabitha - Welcome to AR!  I market solely to agents.  I figure my marketing dollar and time is better spent there.  When you market to the consumers, they tend to be single transactions.  When you market to the agents they typically (if they are good) will give you repeat and referral business.  What you do is great for their marketing so it is a win win situation.
Mar 28, 2008 11:52 AM
Suzanne Sands
Pavao Real Estate - Somerset, MA
Somerset MA Real Estate

Hi Tabitha,

Welcome to the Rain! Congratulations on writing your first post, you did a great job! :)

Mar 28, 2008 11:58 AM
Mary Lou Teague
Home Style and Staging Knoxville. TN
Hello and welcome to AR...several of us need to be in AR Rehab. I am sure that you will enjoy being here. You will make friends and along the way learn alot...we welcome any and all questions..and remember there are no stupid questions..I should know I ask them all the time !!! But the people here are kind....
Mar 28, 2008 12:26 PM
Gary Barnett
Home Matters - Indianapolis, IN
Home Matters Property Stylist Group, Indianapolis
Hello Tabitha, welcome.  You will feel right at home in short order.  Everyone here is just great to talk with and you'll find that most everyone is more than willing to help.
Mar 28, 2008 02:02 PM
Lea-Ann Virnig
Lea-Ann's Home Beautiful Staging and Design LLC - San Antonio, TX
Home Beautiful: San Antonionulls Premier , Home Staging Company
Hello Tabitha, congratulations on your graduation.  What school did you attend?  Make yourself at home here on AR, it's a great tool but as others have mentioned, very addicting!
Mar 28, 2008 03:28 PM
Renee Pratta
Renewed Rooms - North Myrtle Beach, SC
Renewed Rooms - SC

Welcome Tabitha

My main marketing $ goes towards realtors.  I love being a part of the team with a realtor to help get their client to SOLD.

My humble advice.  Get to know the realtors, understand your market, unerstand and learn the lingo of a involved AND show them at every opportunity Your portfolio of successful projects,

Mar 28, 2008 04:06 PM
Tabitha Hogan
Revivify Designs~ Interior Design and Home Staging - Tooele, UT
Revivify Designs
Thank you all so much for your insight! I must say, this was my first blog but I feel like I already need AR Rehab, i'm going to have to be careful! Thanks again for your comments!
Mar 28, 2008 05:14 PM
Becca Briggs
Rochester, NY

Tabitha, I agree with everyone, marketing to realtors is the way to go.  Sellers are still in the mind set that the same old way works, so having their realtor help you sell the idea of staging is a big plus.  Trying to convience them alone is really an uphill battle, and only works 25-50% of the time!  

Welcome and yes you will need rehab and sleep - its 2 am and I am on here after working a 8hr day and staging for 6 after that!!! 

Mar 28, 2008 05:45 PM
Marci Toliver
438-4642 - Mauldin, SC
Anderson SC, Spartanburg,Greenville SC, Home Staging
Tabitha- welcome to Active Rain! looking forward to hearing more from you!
Mar 29, 2008 03:01 AM
Kathy Riggle
Houston Home Staging

Hi Tabitha-

Realtors will bring you repeat business. However, keep marketing your company on the web, because the homeowners that search you out will already understand staging and be eager for your expertise. Your Active Rain profile page is a good link to have on your website.  If your post here on AR is for stagers eyes only & not the public, mark your post "For Members Only". Welcome to AR!


Mar 29, 2008 06:57 AM
Maureen Maureen
Orangeburg, NY
Tabitha - Congrats on finding your passion and welcome to AR.  Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Mar 29, 2008 01:05 PM
Barbara Cluck-Miksits
BCM Home Staging LLC - Ridgewood, NJ
Home Staging - New Jersey
Welcome to AT Tabitha. You are going to have fun and learn a lot here at AR. I wish you luck, and happy blogging.
Mar 29, 2008 02:20 PM
Sharon Price
Best Price Stagers - Denver, CO
As a recent member myself I can assure you that this is the place to collect information, insights and connect with others "OUT THERE".  My experience...Rain Rocks.  Keep up and contribute when you can as it seems to come back to you in spades.
Mar 29, 2008 03:31 PM