
Open House - 33 Fairlawn Drive - North Haven, CT 06473

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate

OPEN HOUSE -  Sunday March 30, 2008  between 1:00 - 3:00 pm.

All are Welcome... Buyers, Sellers & Just Curious Lookers...  

The Location :  33 Fairlawn Drive - North Haven, Connecticut 06473 

The Description:   Well maintained 3 bedroom 1 bath Split level on low traffic street ajacent to the North Haven Fairgrounds.Large Living room with bay window, Sun Room overlooking private back yard, Lower level family room. Tiled kitchen and dining area. Stop in for a look or click here for more information.

The Financials:  Asking price of $274,900

The Directions:  Exit 12 off of I-91, left at the end of the ramp, left at the first traffic light onto Blakeslee Avenue.  Left at the stop sign onto Pool Road and one more left onto Fairlawn Drive.  By then you'll be tired of lefts and happy to know the house sits on your right!

If for any reason you are unable to attend on Sunday and you would like to arrange a private showing You can contact Dan Cummings , The Running Realtor at 203-672-2455 or email



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George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
Dan are both you and Sandra doing the Open House???  Things are picking at Open Houses, I hope you get a good turnout.
Mar 28, 2008 01:26 PM
Lindsey Hasford
Edina Realty - Elk River, MN
Bringing you home...
Good luck with your open Dan! I'll be in one on Saturday... they are so much fun. BTW - I did 1 hour on the tread today with 15 minutes jogging!
Mar 28, 2008 02:07 PM
No Longer Active
Real Estate - Fallon, MT

George....  We are both doing it.  Instead of working individually we decided to implement a real team concept this year and have teamed up at Open Houses.  It works out especially well with the less expensive homes that see a huge turnout.  Instead of being overwhelmed with people one of us is usually free to talk details if a prospect has questions.

Lindsey... Sounds like you are well on your way to running your first 5K.   With 15 minutes of jogging you'll be half way to the finish line!

Mar 28, 2008 11:24 PM
Quakertown, PA
e-PRO, Realtor - Bucks County PA - 610-952-3578

Well this certainly looks like a beautiful home.  What a nice new listing!  I wish you good luck with your marketing program, and I hope it sells quickly for you.


Mar 29, 2008 03:59 AM
Thesa Chambers
West + Main - Bend, OR
Principal Broker - Licensed in Oregon
Dan - don't forget to bake some cookies :o) - best of luck with your open - I love the hardwood floors in this home
Mar 29, 2008 06:07 AM
Susie Roscoe
Signature Realty Associates - Brandon, FL
Real Estate Specialist | Brandon, FL
How are the Open Houses up there?  Ours are terrible for attendance...  
Mar 31, 2008 06:28 AM
No Longer Active
Real Estate - Fallon, MT

Donald....  Love your comment spam.... Think I'll give you a featured place on Tee'd Off Tuesday!  

Thesa...  Oops...  I never was much of a baker... I'll stick with passing out my own brand of sweetness!  

Susie...  Attendance depends on the price range...  This one was very good and an agent that met his client at this open house wrote up an offer!

Mar 31, 2008 10:29 AM
Susie Roscoe
Signature Realty Associates - Brandon, FL
Real Estate Specialist | Brandon, FL

I found THE SPAM!!!  Thanks for the little hint!! 

I'll work on my SIGNATURE LINE so it's bigger than "his!"

Where else can I write this exact same thing???  Ya know...I think I've been spammed before, obviously it would've had to be a LONG TIME AGO!!!  LOL

Apr 24, 2008 09:17 AM