
Orange County Life Living in Orange County CA

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Preferred Home Brokers 00402040

Orange County life and living in Orange County CA has so much for offer for so many reaons! For  most of us it's a great place to call home, first we love the weather! Then depending on whether you live or work in Orange Co. you can appreciate our many communities in particular those in Northern Orange Co. for our great shools, parks, shopping & recreation.


 Check out this quick 2 Minute Real Estate Video on Living in Orange County!

 When it comes to buying or selling your Orange County home, you need to work with the seasoned real estate professionals at Preferred Home Brokers, we've service SoCal home buyer and sellers for over 30 years. The team is experienced in traditional sales, probate and estate home selling, bank repos/foreclosres and yes short sales.

Contact the Preferred team at (714) 990-6060 or, they're here to help.


You can also contact Lynda Eisenmann, Broker and Owner for more than 30 years,

CalBRE 00402040




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Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Looks like a great spot to call home, Lynda. I know you are passionate about the lifestyle in OC.  I like this video as it's selling the benefits of the area and then mentions Preferred Home Brokers. Well done.

Jul 17, 2014 02:45 AM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Jul 17, 2014 04:30 AM
Lynda Eisenmann
Preferred Home Brokers - Brea, CA
Broker Associate ,CRS,GRI,SRES, Brea,CA, Orange Co

Hi Debb, Thanks for the lovely comments & wow being featured like this!  And yes, you can tell I love where I live and work and just wanted to showcase our local communities for those not familiar with our neck-of-the-woods.

Especially for people somewhat new to SoCal, it's such a large area, even within Orange County. Our speciality is pretty much the "northern" portion of the (3 million+) county.

Also, I'm sure (like you) for anyone else out there thinking of using video in their marketing to go for it. Most of our videos have been one's we done on our own, which is just fine. This time we decided to step it up a little when we found this great professional. In this one we shared a small portion of about 7 different cities (in less than 3 minutes) all contigious with one another in North OC.

My personal rule for videos in general is around 2 minutes or less, any longer (imho) consumers just drop off. Hope this might be helpful for anyone else ready to take the next step to video marketing.



Jul 17, 2014 04:53 AM