
To Blog Or Not To Blog, That Is The Suggestion.

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max 440


If Shakespeare was with us today, would those be his famous words?  Or perhaps Woody Allen would have said it instead. One can only wonder...

Anyway, since I just joined Active Rain, I have been debating with myself (and yes, it gets ugly sometimes) about blogging. Before I expound on my dilemma, I have to first ask the most obvious question, and that is, what exactly is a blog? For that matter, does the word blogging have one g or two g's??? And whose brainchild was it that keyed the vernacular "blog" in the first place. According to one source, the term blog is defined as "To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog." Okay, that works for me but I do not ever want to be referred to as a "blogger". Ever. Many an uncomplimentary dispersion have been cast my way but that word conjures many 'mental pictures' that no one would want to be associated with. Sorry. And to further emphsise the point, what does that make you who are reading this??? A blogee? I certainly hope not.

No delima anymore, I will blog. You have my solemn word. I will try my best to write not only entertaining but also informative blogs to all my fellow, dare I say, blogmates. Ouch.

Step aside "location, location, location", it's time for "blog, blog, blog".

Jimmy McCall - Cunningham, TN
The Ex-Mortgage Consultant
Ron,  Welcome to Active Rain and congratulations on your decision to blog.  I hope you you find blogging as much fun as it can be beneficial to tour business.
Mar 29, 2008 05:55 AM
Michele Samph
Coldwell Banker Heritage - Quakertown, PA
That was a terrific first blog. It was entertaining. I laughed out loud. Yours truly Miss Blogette.
Mar 30, 2008 03:00 PM
Ron Bodden
Re/Max 440 - Quakertown, PA

To Miss Blogette,

Thanks for all of your encouragement, it is appreciated.

Apr 01, 2008 12:57 AM
Quakertown, PA
e-PRO, Realtor - Bucks County PA - 610-952-3578

Hey Ron.  Welcome to the world of Blogging.  I find it to be a place to learn new things every day.  Good Luck


Apr 03, 2008 03:28 AM