
Check Out Our New For Sale By Owner Mastery Course

Education & Training with Real E Smarter

For Sale By Owner Mastery Course - By Ross Quintana

Hello Everyone, 

Well it has been a while since I have posted on Activerain. I have been super busy Working on many new projects. One of those is my new Real E Smarter company that offers coaching, marketing, and support services for real estate agent. People have loved our real estate blogs for years and now we have formally created a company to coach real estate agents. I'll get into what that means in other posts.

For now, one of the first courses we are offering is our For Sale By Owner Mastery course. We built our business on FSBO's and really dominated our market in this area. We were great at converting them to listings and I created systems and strategies to do this. People always asked me what I was doing, but I wasn't going to share it in my own market.

Fast forward, now I finished a marketing degree, created a business consulting and social media management company and mentored a few agents along the way. I decided to share many of the secrets I used to have a great brand in my market. So if you are interested in either coaching or just mastering FSBO's check out my program, it is free for people who I coach, and only $97 on Udemy, which is a steal for what I teach on objections alone.

Let me know what you think, and if you want to grow your real estate business, I have some unique models that can work with any budget to put me to work in your business. Contact us for more info. Below is the short intro video for our new For Sale By Owner course and a Link to the full course. Thanks

Check Out the Full Course Description Here:

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Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Ross, good luck - this will be a great course for sure. (I somehow am stuck with old fashioned referral business and wanted to learn FSBO and Expired - never could!)

Jul 23, 2014 01:45 PM
Ross Quintana
Real E Smarter - Spokane, WA
Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966

Yes, I did FSBO's for about 12 years and I can see why people don't work them, they are normally the hardest market to get, but once you find the right approach and what works they became my number one source of listings and business. I finally broke down and shared all my methods in this course. I think people who use it are going to get a lot of value from it.

Jul 24, 2014 02:48 AM