
Monday Morning Rant -- Pick up My Christmas Tree!

Real Estate Agent with Delicious Real Estate 2008002258
Monday, 12 February 2007

My tree was finally picked up on February 13thMy poor, sad, decrepit Christmas tree STILL sits outside my house on the curb waiting and waiting to someday be whisked away and made into mulch like every other Christmas Tree in Columbus.

I've called refuse, I've called Rumpke, I've called 311 and the Mayor's Action Hotline, nothing.

While it may be true that I've been publicly critical of the Mayor and his office and his attitude toward the Near East Side and his top-down governing style and complete disregard to community input and real, honest to goodness city planning, I think a Curbed Christmas Tree at Valentine's Day is quite possibly the saddest thing that could be seen on my block.  Let me tell you, I've seen some sad things on my block too--mostly in the old days.

UPDATE!!--The day after I posted this, Rumpke came out and took away my Christmas Tree, in the middle of a snow storm mind you.  I couldn't believe it.  It may have been the last 311 call.  If you haven't tried the city's 311 hotline, check it out, it seems to work.

Gregory Anderson
United Country - Fredericksburg, TX

Don't fret, Joe. 

In about 10 more months you can just stand it back up in your living room.

That'll save you about 50 bucks.

You can then use the money you saved to buy me a gift.

A gift certificate to Cabelas would be much appreciated.

Thanks, in advance.

Feb 12, 2007 06:36 AM