
Laurinburg Shoe Repair - Belt Repair and Leatherworks!

Real Estate Technology with BIC Services, LLC

McNair's Shoe Repair - 146 Main Street, Laurinburg, NC 28352 - 910-217-4619

Open M-F Noon to 5PM, Saturdays from 10AM to 3PM.


If you live in or around the Laurinburg, NC area and you have some old shoes that need some work done on them, you do not have to take them to Fayetteville or Florence any longer!  We finally got our Shoe Repair store back!  What used to be called the Shoe Fixery is now McNair's Main Street Shoe Repair that is owned by Lynn McNair.


Lynn has a good selection of supplies and machinery to fix shoes, pocketbooks, belts, suitcases and just about anything made out of leather or vinyl.


So, before throwing away a perfectly good pair of shoes or handbag that has a small tear or broken zipper, take it to Lynn at the McNair's Main Street Shoe Repair at 146 Main Street, Laurinburg, NC 28352. 



He is located across the street from The Story Telling Art Building downtown. 



Call him at 910-217-4619.

Hours - M-F Noon-5PM, Saturday 10AM-3PM.

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Rachel Hernandez

I love how you highlight local businesses. I am sure they appreciate you stopping by and educating others on their services. Great job!

Aug 12, 2014 08:07 AM
Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide


This is great highlighting a small business, something I will be doing.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Aug 12, 2014 08:12 AM
Jane Chaulklin-Schott
TEAMCONNECT REALTY - (407) 394-9766 - Orlando, FL
TeamConnect Luxury Homes - Orlando, Florida, 32836

Wonderful report on a shoe repair business. It also serves as a great reminder. Believe to many of us, we have forgotten about the little old shoe repair shop and have reverted to discarding the offending shoe(s) without another thought. We used to have one of these shops a few blocks from one of  my childhood homes. Loved going in there - seeing the revolving belts and the smell of glue and polish. Yes, it had a very distinctive smell. Very friendly place.

Aug 12, 2014 01:32 PM
Yevgeniy Firayner

Your writing style says a lot about who you are and in my opinion I'd have to say you're insightful. This article reflects many of my own thoughts on this subject. You are truly unique.

Aug 17, 2018 04:43 AM