Over the past few weeks my world has revolved around agent marketing. Learning, dissecting, preparing, and presenting marketing templates and campaigns. How to use them. How to create them. How to be effective with them.
You know what my biggest challenge was??? Agents don't know what a campaign is.
And, no wonder, since the most common use of the word revolves around miliatry or battle use. And, as with everything miliatary, it's a strategy game. Right. So why wouldn't this apply to your business?
Your clients are not the enemy:
However, it takes strategy to win a listing.
It takes strategy to be successful.
It takes strategy to grow your business.
Friends, I don't want you to miss out. So let me give you the answer.
- A real estate campaign is desgned to engage your leads and get them talking, emailing and in general communicating with you. These campaigns are set up in advance by you or us (if you are using a pre-built campagn). They can be email, print or some combination of the two. Click here to find out more. They can combine differnt types of content or can focus in on your niche market.
If you are wondering if you 'should' be using a campaign???? The answer is yes.
This week I had the pleasure of talking with Kathy Ambro, a newer agent whose team has been able to increase the number of contacts turning into clients with a centralized campaign strategy. She was kind enough to share their strategy with us on the call. I hope you have a chance to listen to this fantastic call because I can't do it justice in writing.
So, my question to you is...
1. Do you know what a Real Estate Campaign is?
2. Are Real Estate Campaigns a part of your current strategy? If no, then why not?