I have been married so long that my husband and I exchanged Valentines cards and candy in a store the other day, laughed read the cards, said thank you and put it all back. If was fun and saved us at least $30 bucks lol. I have really been blessed for 31 years with a wonderful husband, I know that is very politically incorrect, but it is true. We don't need a day to be special to each other, that is what is normal and should be for all couples. It is very sad that marriages fall apart so easily today, no one is willing to tough it out. When your young it is easier to walk away than stay and make it work. Sometimes the fight is worth the making up!! I know we had our share early on, I call them the getting comfortable days (years), when both of you want your own way about everything. Those are the times that you forget what you vowed when you got married, the cherish, honor, respect, and love part. Those are the times that we are selfish and thoughtless, but if you stick it out the selfishness and thoughtlessness go away and you learn how to cherish, honor, respect and love each other.
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Majestic Properties - Miami Beach, FL
Wow, Donna....welcome to the lucky wives club! I too feel so grateful and blessed to have such an incredible relationship with my husband, who also happens to be my best friend and my business partner. Happy Valentines day to you as well,
Feb 12, 2007 01:27 PM
Daytona Beach, FL
How Funny!! I can see you and John doing that! Wish I would have thought of that! Steve and I are not exchanging Valentines we would rather save and buy something we need. Next holiday I'll have to try that on him when we are at the store! He'll love it!
Feb 14, 2007 01:43 AM