
Parks and Rec: New Braunfels

Real Estate Agent with The Wirt Team - Horizon Realty

Parks and Rec: New Braunfels

If there is one sterotype about Texans that is proven correct time and time again, it's that we love to be outdoors. Many of the neighborhoods I have blogged about feature ammenity centers so you don't have to leave your neighborhood for the basics, but parks in New Braunfels take it one step further. Here are few of my favorite parks and some new parks in the works:

Landa Park

I have often bragged on Landa Park, and for good reason! This beautiful park features playground equipment for every age group, walking trails, not to mention the train rides! There is also places to stick your feet in the river or just relax and feed the ducks. Paddleboats are also available, and make for a wonderful date spot! I have spent many family birthday parties at this park, and will no doubt be there when my granddaughter turns 3! There are pavillions that can be saved for business or pleasure. Pack a lunch and stay all day - I can promise you won't be the only one. Landa Park is also the site of the annual Wurstfest - our 10 day salute to sausage! For more information on Wurstfest as well as other great fairs and festivals check out this post. As of October 8, 2014, the new and improved Landa Golf Course will be open for play.

Fischer Park

Currently under construction, this park will be the largest park in New Braunfels upon completion! At an astounding 62 acres, Fischer Park will have hiking and biking trails, playgrounds, a splash pad, fishing ponds, picnic facilites, a nature center and an outdoor amphitheatre. Construction began last fall and should be completed by fall of this year. 

Dog Park

For those of you with children of the four-legged variety, a new 9 acre off-leash dog park is being built as well. It will be done in two phases - the first a tradtional dog park and the second consisting of a larger area where dogs can be off-leash and will include hiking and walking trails. This park is in a heavily wooded area of scenic oak trees, providing both shade and beauty. Construction contracts are being bid now.

I am very excited about these new parks and the updates to our current parks. Just a little more proof that New Braunfels is the best place on earth! Check back, I will update the blog as more information becomes available.

To find a home near these parks, call Kelle at (830) 237-8463 or Kevin at (830) 481-1251. 

Happy Homebuying! 

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