If anyone would like to attend or donate to this amazing event please let me know.
It's always nice to have some friends . . . . sounds like a great event for a worthily cause.
Good luck and success.
Lou Ludwig
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
Good afternoon Nicholas ... giving back to others is always a great cause. Wishing you great success.
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
Hello Nicholas, Looks likea great event, Hope you go and have lots of fun.
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
A great idea I understand there and new Cystic Fibrosis meds coming out that will really make a difference
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
Great cause, so hope the event brings out lots of people participating. Nice job sharing the information.
Thank you for commenting on my post.
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
This sounds like a great way to raise money and awareness to such a good cause Nicholas!
Nicholas Costantino
Hoboken, NJ
sound like it will be an amazing night of good food and music and raise some money for a very worthy cause.
Nicholas, I hope you are able to attend this great event. Such a worthy cause.
Nicholas, You are doing a great service by broadcasting the good news about the fund raiser.
Hi Nicholas,
I hope that the event was a huge success and that you raised a ton of money.
hi Nicholas, Great cause and I like your title and that is an old Beattle song if I am not mistaken. A good song I might add.
Hi Nicholas - this is definitely a great cause.
Hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
Nicholas, sure hope you got great donations for this cause. Hope you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas!
I hope this event is well attended and that they raise lots of funds for a very worthwhile event.