
Seller Disclosures When Selling Your Home in Orange County California

Real Estate Agent with Realty Network BRE #01763853

If you've never been involved in selling a home in Orange County California before, you may be surprised as to how much paper work is involved.  Dozens of documents need to be reviewed and signed, and some notarized.  Oops, did you make a mistake?  You need to be careful because a mistake can cost you a lot of money. home seller disclosures Orange County California

Many Orange County home sellers are surprised by the numerous questions involving issues and events that you may have not even considered significant.  Believe it or not, many of the disclosures are required by law to prevent any future lawsuits between you (the seller) and the buyer.

Here's a list of the disclosures you'll need when selling your home in Orange County California.  Keep in mind that every home sale is unique and may require other disclosures that are not listed here.  Always consult with a REALTOR® or real estate Attorney when selling a property.  As a REALTOR® I always use forms that are approved by the California Association of REALTORS®.  If you're selling "By Owner" be very cautious of generic forms from an office supply store or ones that are provided by the home buyer.

Forms and Disclosures You Will Need When Selling Your Home in Orange County CA

  • Purchase Agreement and Buyer Inspection Advisory
  • Lead Based Paint Disclosure (for homes built before 1978)
  • Environmental Hazard Check List (for homes built before 1960)
  • For Your Protection, Get a Home Inspection (Required for FHA buyers)
  • Buyer's Affidavit (For owner occupied properties less than $300,000)
  • Counter Offers (if applicable)
  • Natural Hazard Disclosure Report (required by law)
  • Agency Disclosure (if a real estate agent is involved)
  • Seller Transfer Disclosure Statement (required by law - a few exceptions apply)
  • Seller Property Questionnaire (may not be required but it's a good idea to provide it)
  • Wood Pest / Termite Addendum (only needed if you are providing the termite clearance)
  • Wood Pest / Termite Waiver (if you're not providing termite clearance, it's good to have a waiver)
  • Request for Repairs (if you've agreed to make repairs before closing)
  • FHA or VA Notice and Addendum (if the buyer is using an FHA or VA loan)
  • Water Heater and Smoke Detector Statement of Compliance
  • The Statewide Buyer and Seller Advisory
  • Buyer's Property Inspection Report (Ordered and paid for by the buyer)
  • Property Inspection Report Waiver (if the buyer doesn't want an inspection, make sure they sign a waiver!)
  • Escrow Instructions and Preliminary Title Report
  • Termite Report (if you've agreed to provide termite clearance before closing)
  • Termite Completion Certification - Signed by the buyer (if you've agreed to the termite work)
  • Environmental Hazards and Lead Based Paint Booklet (with the receipt signed by all parties)
  • Carbon Monoxide and Mold Disclosure (Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are required by law)
  • Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure (if a real estate agent is involved)
  • Verification of Property Condition

Are you ready to sell your home now?  Keep in mind that every home sale is unique.  You may not need all these of disclosures and you may need some that are not listed here. 

Click here if you'd like a complimentary report with all the recent home sales in your neighborhood.

Looking for homes for sale in Orange County?  You can see all the listings right here.

I love selling real estate and helping people like you.  If you have any questions, please call me, Paul Armstrong at 562-225-6602.

The information contained in this blog is for informational purposes and is not to be considered as legal advise.  Always consult with a competent REALTOR® or real estate Attorney when selling a property.

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Jack Mossman - The Nines Team at Keller Williams in Stockton
The Nines Team At Keller Williams - Stockton, CA
The Nines Team at Keller Williams in Stockton

Paul - AND they tell us it's a paperless world!  We kill a tree every time we sell a house, and in some cases it may be several trees!  No matter how much we try and be "electronic" there is still going to be some paper involved  ... now it would be nice if the only paper was the closing check!  Well, someday ... but not for a long while ...

Sep 01, 2014 07:20 AM