
Spring is blooming in Casey County, Kentucky by Erby the Central Kentucky Home Inspector

Home Inspector with B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (

Today I had an occassion to visit Casey County, Kentucky .  The morning was a bit wet as it rained almost the whole home inspection.  Lord willing, the creek won't rise and flood the house I was inspecting.

Dry Creek, Casey County Kentucky by Erby the Central Kentucky Home Inspector  Dry Creek, Casey County, Kentucky by Erby the Central Kentucky Home Inspector

Strangely enough, the property was located on "Dry Creek" Road.  Just didn't look very "DRY" to me.

BUT, passing back through Liberty, Kentucky, I realized the rain had stopped.  The sun hadn't quite come out, but look at the signs of spring in front of the Casey County Courthouse. 

Blooming going on!

Casey County Courthouse by Erby the Central Kentucky Home Insector

But the Casey Count courthouse square was a busy place.  After five minutes, I gave up trying to get a shot without a moving car in it.

After seeing, this I noticed all kinds of blooming going on!  Just not any good photo ops.


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Erby Crofutt
KY Lic# HI-2041
B4 U Close Home Inspections & Radon Testing
Georgetown, KY


B B 4 U Close Home Inspections serves Central, Northern & Eastern Kentucky real estate buyers & sellers

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I think the current owners are a little angry about the thorough inspection you did. They didn't have one done and it cost them $18K.  I, my loan officer and my agent think a home inspection is well worth what I paid.

Nathan, Morehead, KY Inspection  (20101012B)

Thank You for the outstanding job you did on the inspection.  We bought and sold 9 houses and this was the only inspection that was ever done properly.  It was helpful and we will use it to do the repairs with a system, instead of the guess work we usually do.  Thanks again

Mike & Barbara, Stamping Ground, KY Inspection (20050603

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David Holden
DRH Home Inspection Akron, Ohio Summit County Home Inspector - Akron, OH
DRH Home Inspection Akron, Ohio Summit
Great news, that means if it's bloomin in "Good ol' Kentucky", then Ohio is next.
Apr 01, 2008 01:21 AM
Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

David:  It IS blooming in "good ole Kentucky".  It'll be up your way soon.

Apr 01, 2008 12:06 PM
Lizette Fitzpatrick
Lizette Realty - Richmond KY - Lexington, KY
Lizette Realty, Lexington KY MLS - Kentucky Homes
I'm so glad the rain finally stopped today. I was out showing 4 houses. At least my client could tell which ones might have water problems.
Apr 05, 2008 04:23 PM