Real Estate Market Report for Strathmore Subdivision in Buffalo Grove, IL (Lake County)
July 2014
There are currently 25 Strathmore Subdivision, Buffalo Grove IL Homes active on the market. Click here to view all active listings in Strathmore.
- Highest priced listing: $479,000
- Lowest priced listing: $235,000
- Median List price: 334,000
- Active Listings: 13
- Pending Sales: 12*
- Closed sales in July: 6
*As of date of blog posting
There were 6 Strathmore Subdivision Homes that sold in July 2014 :
- 941 Twisted Oak Ln , Buffalo Grove– listed in July for $229,000 and closing at $217,000
- 855 Aspen Dr , Buffalo Grove – listed in April for $279,900 and closing at $264,000
- 7 Amherst Ct , Buffalo Grove– listed in March for $365,000, reduced to $324,000 and closing at $300,000
- 581 Indian Spring Ln , Buffalo Grove– listed in August for $335,000 and closing at $325,000
- 601 Woodhollow Ln , Buffalo Grove– listed in June for $379,900 and closing at $375,000
- 927 Parker Ln , Buffalo Grove– listed in June for $399,000 and closing at $375,000
For the month of July, the median list price was $329,750 and the median sales price for the Strathmore subdivision was $312,500.
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Homes for sale in Strathmore Subdivision, Buffalo Grove IL
originally posted at