
5 Ways to Keep Sellers Happy - Even When Deals Are Going South!

Real Estate Technology

Colleen FischesserEver wished you could have a “do-over” with a seller? Go back to that Kitchen table where you first met and re-discuss price or reset your client’s expectations—or maybe both?

If you’re like many listing agents, when you present your market analysis you use some version of the following script:

“Mr. and Mrs. Seller, my goal is to sell your home in the shortest amount of time, for the highest price, with the least amount of inconvenience.”

A wise goal considering the National Association of Realtors has identified that one of the top four things Sellers expect from us is to sell within their timeframe. And, in a healthy market, this should be an attainable goal.

But let’s face it, even in a good market some listings don’t sell as quickly as anticipated and we find ourselves in the position of managing and maintaining the trust our clients placed in us.

So how do you keep sellers happy and minimize frustration during a longer-than-expected market time? Here are five simple methods you can use:

1. Consistent & Properly Delivered Communication

how real estate agents can keep up communication when deals are going southThis may seem like a no-brainer but many agents rarely (if ever) have this conversation with clients. How does the client want to be updated? Phone, email, text, in person?

How often does the client expect to hear from you? Will you give periodic updates and will that timeframe be acceptable to the client? Remember, this could become a long-term relationship, so setting and managing expectations is a must. If your client is the sort who requires a phone call every morning, is that a level of service you can (or want to) deliver? If not, maybe you can reach a mutually agreeable alternative before an angry message is left in your voicemail.

2. Demonstrate Market Reach

Clients expect you to do “things.” In fact, they’re going to assume you’re doing them because you told them—at their kitchen table—you would. But 90 days down the road, if you haven’t been sharing and demonstrating those “things”, will you still be as credible when advocating for a price reduction?

The Internet has gifted listings agents with wonderful tools in the form of stats and hyperlinks. Weekly seller reports showing visitor counts, virtual tour activity, friend shares and more, give sellers concrete evidence their property is “out there” and being seen. This transparency not only gives you content for those regular updates, it also validates future conversations where you feel an adjustment is necessary and removes any doubt about whether you’re earning your commission.


Learn the last three ways agents can keep their sellers happy on the Trulia Pro blog. Click the below image to read this article!

how real estate agents can keep their sellers happy