
I found a "Brand New" Website That Brands High Quality Viral Reports Free

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Landmark

When I saw "Free High Quality Reports", my first thought was "Yeah, sure. Free AND High Quality!" But I joined. Why not - it's free.

I joined with healthy skepticism. Like most of us, I am usually pretty critical of the free content you find out there. However, I soon found my skepticism melting away. In fact, I was quite pleasantly surprised by what I found. So here is what I did, I added this brand new site to my "recommends" list. I know, you think this is a gimmick. It's not. In fact, there is a huge opportunity for us to get into the ground floor. No one has written a viral real estate report :). Think about it! Ground floor. I am not very good at writing BUT I am sure someone here is. And it's free.

First, I have to say that this site is pretty ingenious when you think about it. Branded, high quality reports you get to give away - and if you want, you can make money from. When I actually checked out out a few of the reports, I found
that they were much more than just "thrown together trash". In fact, quite the opposite.

Along with the reports supplied by the staff writers of the site, members can also contribute their own reports. As a
free member, you can contribute one of your original reports every month. How cool is that!

After a while, once you have contributed a few reports, I am convinced you will see how viral this concept really is.

I've seen an increase in my traffic with viral advertising. These reports are going to take it to the next level. As you know, credibility as an expert shoot through the roof.

My advice to you is simple. Join. Now. Why wouldn't you?

I hope you find this helpful and this greatly contributes to everyones succees! 

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Adam Blake
AccountTech - Acton, MA

Keith you are so smart!

 would love to brainstorm with you sometime even though i'm not at landmark anymore


May 07, 2008 11:37 AM
Joe Federico


You are so good, you even got Adam convinced that you are smart! Not bad.


May 12, 2008 01:31 PM
Thanx Joe!

If I was smart I would have written a real estate report long ago.  Well, The fact is, I am so shocked that no one has, I am in the process of writing right now! It's a good one. In fact, it is what I call my E-Cliff notes on dealing quickly with the banks on short sales.  When it's done I will be putting it up on:


Then it will be free for you to take and make it your own.  Hope things are going well with evryone.


The report project I mention above really is awesome. I encourage everyone to take a look at it. F.R.E.E.

May 12, 2008 01:39 PM