When you mature you have family obligations weddings and University expenses. You did your job. Now look around and say; How many rooms do I need to heat and light?
We need to do some serious planning and in doing so, I need to ask you some personal questions so that I can better help you.
- Why did you buy your present home?
- How many rooms in your house regularly do you use?
- If your home was suddenly GONE! would you rebuild?
- What are your TOP 5 retirement lifestyle goals? Is a large family home one of them?
- How long do you want your income to last?
In answering these questions and more; we can
1) Connect with you to better understand your circumstances
2) Do research for your options
3) Communicate these solutions
4) WIFM? I Write the business.
#Callme #yyz #transforming #realestate
David Pylyp
647 218 2414