Million Point Countdown Contest
A fellow ActiveRain member is trying to reach a million points and is going about it in a very creative way, so I thought I would assist him any way I could. If you have some time please check out his blog it's really informative. Best of luck on your goal @Bob Crane.
Million Point Countdown Contest
Hello Friends!
Tonight as I finish up my blogging for the week I find myself with a score of 989,001 points, just 11,000 points short of a million.
Time to start the celebration!
Since so many of you have been so important in making this blogging thing so fun, it seems only right to include you in all the celebrations too, so lets make a party out of the event.
Step one in the celebration will be the countdown poole contest, which will reward people with somewhere between 60 and a thousand points depending on how you craft your entry, when you enter, and maybe even a contribution to the winners from Bob Stewart and Kerrie La Guardia .
I am not sure of when I will cross the finish line, or at least I am not telling when I think that I will be arriving.
But it will be fun to see how many of my friends can predict when the finish line will be crossed.
Rules of the Game and Points
Send in your entry with the anticipated date and time to either my wife Sally Crane , or Kerrie or Bob if you don't trust Sally to keep your entries from me. (don’t send them to me though as i do not want to be biased as I approach the finish.
Leave a note in the comments below letting me know who you sent your entry to. This comment will be worth a minimum of 25 points plus all the likes that you will receive from me and everyone below you in the comments.
Hit “like” at the bottom of this blog which will give me 4 more points toward my goal, AND Hit “like” for ALL of the comments above you in the comments section below. This will reward those early entries for being prompt, and you will be rewarded by all those who enter after you as well.
The next step is optional, but it will gain you at least 29 points. Reblog this post! You will receive 25 points for the reblog, plus 4 points when I hit like on your reblog, and if you are lucky, maybe a few more people will reward your reblog with a 4 point like. ;)
Next get ready for the big party that will be held at a date and time to be determined later, the winners of this contest already know when this will be, the rest of us will have to wait until the points reach a million.
While you are waiting for the party, watch as your “like” points add up daily with a like from everyone who entered after you.
Hopefully Bob Stewart or Kerrie La Guardia will throw in a few hundred or thousand points in for the top prognosticators in this contest.
Enjoy the contest and other festivities that will be happening this week or more, and we will be looking forward to seeing you at the party!
picture credit
Laptop With Silhouette People by jannoon028
Also, dont forget to go to our Facebook page and hit like for this article there, and maybe even post it to your Facebook page too!
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service
2933 Church St
Stevens Point, WI 54481
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