
April Meeting The Luxury Home Institute

Services for Real Estate Pros with Women's Council of REALTORS

WCR Birmingham-Bloomfield 

WCR Birmingham-Bloomfield Chapter


The Luxury Home Institute


Maximize Your Success in the

Upper Tier Residential Market


Join us in discovering the latest information and newest trends in the Luxury Residential Market.  Gain expert knowledge, tips and insight from some of the industries top Luxury Home Professionals!



Tuesday, April 8th


11 am to 1 pm


Lunch will be provided




The Iroquois Club 


43248 Woodward Avenue


Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302


Click Here for Directions



WCR Members $20 - Non-Members $30


RSVP to Lisa Brown by April 7th


Direct                    (248)273-0731


All are welcome

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Those who have already rsvp'd - we look forward to seeing you there!


This event is sponsored by:

Moceri - Michigan's Legendary Dream Builder

Susie Moceri

Associate Broker



Women's Council of Realtors


If you would like more information on the benefits of becoming a Member of the Women's Council of Realtors Birmingham-Bloomfield Chapter, please contact

Julia Halpin, VP of Membership

Direct      (248)722-4071



Click Here for a list of the 2008 Event Dates


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Sent to you by Susie Moceri, WCR Birmingham-Bloomfield 2008 President | Please contact me directly if you wish to become a member of WCR | Or learn more about our organization at | Birmingham-Bloomfield | MI | 48009
