Crowdsourcing: How do you prepare your business for the fall and winter?
A good friend of mine was contemplating putting her house on the market, but decided to wait because, as she put it, “houses don’t sell in the winter.” While I know this isn’t the case, many agents – and consumers for that matter – make this assumption.
As fall rapidly approaches, school buses appear on the streets, football season begins, and pumpkin spice everything is everywhere. And, as the crisp weather replaces sunny days (at least here in the weather challenged regions of the country), many real estate agents often feel the crunch of the busy selling season coming to an end.
This is the time of year when many agents experience those dreaded “valleys” in their business to contrast the peaks that typically come with the busy spring season. Since this time of year often impacts so many real estate professionals, I wanted to know what you do in order to prepare yourself for the fall and winter months. What steps do you take to eliminate the valleys in your business? Do you do anything out of the box to keep a steady stream of buyers and sellers in your pipeline?
The Challenge
In a blog post, share with us one or two of your go-to strategies for preparing for the fall and winter season.
Maybe you go door to door and deliver pumpkins to every house in your farm in the weeks before Halloween. Maybe you double down on mailers or spend extra time networking with people at meetings of the newly formed PTA at your kid's school. Maybe you call everyone in your database that was thinking about selling in the last year but didn't, and you convince them that winter is actually a great time to be on the market because there is less competition.
Whatever you do, we'd like to hear about it. In your blog post, try to share your strategy in a fashion that someone reading could put your idea into practice. That means give an example, share some details, or tell a story of how you cut out those valleys in your business.
- Leave a link to your blog post in the comment section of this blog post.
- Please submit your post by Monday October 6th at 11:59pm Pacific Time.
- All posts submitted will be given 1000 ActiveRain points. If we use your idea in our crowdsourced webinar, you will receive an additional 2000 ActiveRain points.
The 'Crowdsourced' Webinar:
On October 15th, I will join Market Leader trainer Jenn Tervo (who is awesome, btw!) for a special webinar where we will take the ideas you share, compile the best ones and share some of your great ideas with everyone.
We'd love to have you join us.