Family is Everything - Their Opinions Matter
Taking family photos isn't always fun, especially when you have 6 kids to coordinate during the long and often arduous process. They were very adamant that they wanted "their" pictures to be FUN. So these are two shots that we took which the children deemed "fun enough" to keep.
That's the thing about kids. People don't always realize that children have opinions. Mine have lots and lots (and lots) of opinions, especially my daughter. They are fun and extremely funny, but opinionated. Very much so. I don't mind though, because they let me know just what they are thinking. I've tried to raise them in such a way that they aren't being disrespectful when they do it, but I appreciate this. I know how they feel (probably too much), I know what they think, and I can therefore deduce what they would feel or think about other situations from their past expressions of "that's disgusting" or "seriously?" or "I don't think so" or "I'm sooooo excited!"
Family is everything. My kids and their funny expressions of their opinions make the day (most of the time).
P.S. If you need a Virtual Assistant who knows how to help you keep your family a priority, let's talk about it. Lead Management, Listing Coordination, and Social Media Marketing are my true loves. (But don't tell my husband that!) And if you need a service I don't provide, I'm happy to refer a quality Virtual Assistant who can!