"the SOLD man" - who'n'how'n'what....?!?!
A brief background first:
I was stationed at Ft. Rucker in the early 70's and started teaching the drummers in the Enterprise High School Band (one of several towns next-door or close by). I then started a music store here which I had for almost 35 years. I've played in MANY local bands covering various types of music (rock, country, Christian, Maqrching Band, etc...) and to varying degrees of "success" (i.e. - garage-band caliber to recording artists). Also taught drums (Percussion) at the local Community College and other area schools. So, most are people know me from my music career. So over a period of around 40 years, parents, kids, and now grand-kids know me or of me.
My wife and I were at the house brain-storming one afternoon when she said from the kitchen "why not use the Blues Brothers "Soul Man" but spelled "sold" in your Marketing".
We went wild with it!
The Marketing is not completely loved by some more established Agents. And, I'm not really two personalities as with Deon Snaders & his "Neon Deon" personna.
The "campaign" was even mentioned in a STAR Class last year on Marketing. The Class Moderator asked a roomfull of Agents what they thought of when "Travis Parker" was mentioned, and they all said in unison (couldn't have coached & practiced it better) "the SOLD man". So, it seems to be working.
Public remarks:
I'm a Greeter at Church and various people have mentioned "oh, you're the famous guy"; my NRA gun class instructor knew who I was from the billboard; a receptionist at the dentist kept saying "you've been here before" and I told her "no, I look familiar because you see me on the billboard when you walk out of your office".
To reinforce the personna:
During the heat of the Summer, I wear polo shirts, but wear my sunglasses (on top of head while inside) and carry my hat. In the winter, I wear dark suits with the skinny tie (hard to find - ended up with dress uniform ties from Army Surplus). Business cards (see pic below) are handed out along with my "officail" company cards.
Car magnets, band performances, billboards, tv, Adopt-A-Mile, etc. etc. etc...
Tag line:
Something to the effect of: They call me "the SOLD man" for a reason. Ask me!
Tie in with Real Estate:
My niche a few years ago was "hard-to-sell" homes and I was often the 3rd, 4th, or 5th Agent to try to sell a property. I didn't always get it sold, BUT, did have a good amount of success. Much of it was due to the EXTRA Marketing that I did, much of which I had learned while owning the Music Stores and Tanning Salons. Marketing is Marketing - you just tweak it for your special purpose! So, "the SOLD man" ties that Real Estate success in with my Musical Career.
But but....
Someone might in the future say "but I don't want a Cartoon Character selling my house". My brief answer will be, "YOU mentioned him, so you've noticed him. THIS shows that MY Marketing WORKS". So far, no one has said that, but jess'n'case, I'm ready!
Here are some ways that I use him: