Did you know that yesterday was National Coffee Day? We were alerted by an incoming e mail in the morning!
It seemed only right to celebrate! What a lot of influence coffee has on our days.
From earliest memories people in my family started their day with a steaming cup of hot coffee. Do you remember the commercial that said " the best part of waking u , is Folgers in your cup." At the time, I could not get the concept. Until I was well into my thirties I thought it smelled good and tasted nasty!
Look at all the people who love it. As we all seek to achieve, a jolt to awareness state is essential.
Coffee shops are all over Durango. We have two Starbucks, several Durango Joes , the Steaming Bean, Magpies, and Durango Coffee Co. All these within an easy walk.
Perhaps if we had taken the time for more coffee yesterday morning this blog could have happened on time. The reality was that we did not have time for the luxury. Maybe we can all make a note of this momentous occasion. That way more of us can celebrate the big bean day next year. Durango has quite a few coffee shops to frequent! Maybe next year we'll try a marathon coffee tour!!