Today we had a very special REDS meeting. We invited some of our local and future state represenatives in to speak. These are also the legislators that our State Association has recognized as REALTOR friendly, and help us at the state level Protect Home Ownership. Nancy Williams one of our WVAR Directors and myself are picturd below with them. We were also happy to have Ray Jospeh the WVAR Executive Officer attend and speak to us on some of our upcoming challanges, and potential solutions. It was a great event!
Pictured Below Charles Trump
Pictured Below Tiffany Lawrence
Pictured Below John Overington
Pictured Below Larry Faircloth
Pictured Below Ray Joseph WVAR EO
Aaron Poling
REALTOR and 2014 President of EPBR
Long & Foster
976 Foxcroft Avenue
Martinsburg, WV 25401
Office: 304-263-7800 Ask For Aaron
Cell: 304-283-0214
M.Margie Bartles Broker