What Apple doesn't make clear with the new iPhone 6 is you need to remove the sim card from your old iPhone 5 and transfer it to your new phone, which you can't do when you're on the phone talking to your service provider. Right in the midst of trying to do this before retiring for the evening, I received several voice mails, one from a seller who was very upset that the key she placed under the mat for me to put into a lockbox was no longer under the mat and she could not find the lockbox, which was on the gas meter. I couldn't call the seller because my sim card wasn't yet transferred.
Another agent could not upload an offer for me because her cover page wasn't working correctly. I finally put my service provider on hold, made several calls to resolve the issues, and went back to trying to activate my phone. There is a reason I turn off my cellphone at dinnertime and don't turn it back on until morning.
Because I know when it's morning. Morning is when I strap guns to both hips, tighten my belt, and saunter out into the world. You can read more in my personal blog today about The Showdown at the OK Corral in Sacramento Home Buying.