
Just Sold in Anchorage, AK

Real Estate Agent 16644

1551 state St anchorage ak sold by janis tolbert 907-250-1981
1551 state st anchorage ak sold by3 Janis Tolbert 907-250-1981







Tolbert Real Estate Group is happy to announce that 1551 State St Anchorage, AK 99504  sold. We helped our client sell her home and relocate within Alaska.  

Whether you are buying or selling, we are a full service team, ready to help our clients with all their real estate needs.

Call us at 907-250-1981 today to learn more about how we can help you.


We are so glad we were able to help sell the home. We are passionate professionals whose success starts with putting our clients first. Call us at 907-250-1981.

Whether looking to buy, sell or invest, we service Anchorage,
Eagle River, Chugiak, Wasilla and Palmer, AK


Janis Tolbert, Tolbert Real Estate Group, Keller Williams  907-250-1981