
Safeguard your Spook-fest : Tips for a Fun and Safe Halloween

Real Estate Technology with Rentec Direct

Halloween Jack-o-Lantern

With Halloween only 2 weeks away, it is time to get ready for the holiday and make a plan to ensure everyone enjoys a safe celebration.  The spooky holiday screams for safety as kids of all ages get ready for a sugar loaded freight fest.  As a landlord or property manager, you cannot always count on your tenant to take the necessary steps to make sure you property is safe for the high traffic, night time event.  Whether you manage a single-family home a multi-unit complex, help your tenants and visitors have a safe and fun Halloween by taking the following precautions to safeguard your property.  


Keep Outdoor areas well lit

While a dimly lit hallway might add to the spook factor, you will be much better off ensuring your property is well lit.  Beyond front doors and entry ways, make sure stairways, walkways, and parking areas adequate lighting.  A well lit dwelling will make trick-or-treaters feel more comfortable and will also deter vandalism from Halloween pranksters.  


Remind tenants about fire safety

It wouldn’t be Halloween without a few brightly lit jack-o-lanterns and luminarias but they can easily get forgotten or overturned.  Remind your tenants about your open flame policies and make sure smoke alarms on your property are working properly.  An easy alternative to open flames are battery-powered, flameless candles like these ones from Target, Flamess Candles.


Keep Common Areas Clear

I’m all for cobwebs, carved pumpkins and tombstones but make sure they aren’t in the way of a clear walkway.  Bulky costumes, masks and unsteady children are a recipe for disaster if any obstacles cross their path.  Make sure decorations are kept to the sides of any high traffic passage and remind your tenants to pick up any loose debris that might have been neglected.  


Keep pets enclosed

Strange noises and unfamiliar visitors can make pets feel anxious,  remind your tenants to put their pets in a back room during the festivities to prevent them from getting out or acting aggressive.  


What do you do to celebrate a safe Halloween?  

Posted by

Kaycee Wegener

Marketing Coordinator, Rentec Direct 

Rental Management Software & Tenant Screening Services


Kaycee is a member of Rentec Direct, a web-based property management software program designed to help streamline tenant screening and the day-to-day operations of landlords and property managers. 








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Whitney Watson
First Heritage Mortgage - Henrico, VA

Kaycee, Very true that while Halloween is lots of fun, there are hazards to keep an eye out for. Great tips!

Oct 17, 2014 05:55 AM
Kaycee Wegener
Rentec Direct - Grants Pass, OR

Thanks for stopping by Whitney Watson !  It's important to keep scary stories as urban ledgends and not real life examples on Halloween.   

Oct 17, 2014 08:47 AM
Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho
Sandpoint Realty LLC - Sandpoint, ID
North Idaho Real Estate - 208-255.6227

Good point on the lighting.  You are correct in wanting to spook things up a bit with darker areas.  Make it a great day.  Mark

Oct 18, 2014 04:51 AM
Kaycee Wegener
Rentec Direct - Grants Pass, OR

Thanks Mark Don McInnes, Associate Broker ! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because the decorations are so fun and it's easy to get creative ! 

Oct 18, 2014 05:53 AM
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate
John L Scott Market Center - Birkenfeld, OR
"Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843

Kaycee, very important list that all Halloweeners should adhere to for kids! I especially like that you included something for the "scaredy cats" and dogs!

Oct 22, 2014 11:15 AM
Francine Viola
Coldwell Banker Evergreen Olympic Realty, Olympia WA - Olympia, WA
REALTOR®, In Tune with your Real Estate Needs

Landlords have extra reminders for their tenants during this holiday season, and these are good tips!

Oct 30, 2014 03:45 AM