
Double Dose of Color at Lake Anna, Virginia

Real Estate Agent with Dockside Realty VA 0225142975

If you like to see fall colors there are many places in this country where you can travel to see them. Fortunately for those of us living in Virginia we receive our fair share of fall color as well. Although the colors are a bit more muted this year there is still plenty of beauty to behold.


Autumn Color at Lake Anna, Virginia


















While it is exciting to drive among the hills and mountains glimpsing a barrage of color there is something extra special (at least to me) it is even more beautiful to see the colors reflecting in the water. That is why Lake Anna continues to be my favorite places to view fall in all it splendor. Give me a double dose of color any time and I'm in heaven.

If you have not had an opportunity to witness Lake Anna in full color please consider putting it on your bucket list. Better yet come on down to take a look when you have an opportunity and you might find that this is a place that will suit you not only in the fall but every season of the year. That is exactly what happened to us. 

I will be more than happy to help you.


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 ©Copyright Kate Elim 2015



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Laura Filip
Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life - Whitesboro, TX
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Ohh my wow is what one can say to the photo. It is gorgeous just awesome.The beauty that surrounds you is spectacular. 

Oct 25, 2014 09:36 AM