Good morning everyone,
I have a question, maybe two. How does one go about becoming a self proclaimed short sale expect? I have not seen any courses offered by any accredited schools or associations that give you a short shale expert designation. I do see many, many agents claiming to be just that though. So, how do I become one? I received 3 emails, all between the hours of 1-3 AM this morning, from these so called expects all claiming that I should send them my short sale clients so they can "handle" everything for me.
Seems to me that we, as professionals, are once again giving ourselves a black eye. If I am receiving these emails I am sure these self proclaimed "experts" are working hard to solicit any one who shows up on a list of upcoming foreclosures. I don't object to people stating they have experience in these kind of transactions, who among us don't these days, but the "expert" part just comes off as sounding like a used car salesman.
Again, if someone can point me to the course where I can get my Short Sale Expect designation please let me know.
MAke a sale, Make a smile