
The Benefits of a Small Title Company

Title Insurance

My partner and I used to work for a large national title company who has recently announced that they are closing their doors.  I live in Pittsburgh and there are no less than 5 or 6 large title companies who have ceased operations here.

When I started at that national title company, their entire business was small mortgage broker shops.  We were closing 500 - 600 loans a month.  Then new ownership came in and all they wanted was to land the big fish client.  They started to lose their customer base, their foundation.  At that point, my partner and I realized that this isn't the way to run a title company and we decided to start our own.  We are a small title company and here are the benefits to using a small title company;

PERSONAL SERVICE - you will always talk to the same one or two people, which will build strong relationships and these relationships are the foundation to a successful business.

PERSONAL INVESTMENT IN YOUR BUSINESS - as I mentioned, my prior employer used to close 500 - 600 deals per month.  If you had a deal that required a little extra effort in regards to title, they would just walk away from the deal.  With us, we need to close every deal that we can and if that means we have to put extra time and effort into it, it is just that much more worth it when the deal finally closes.  A company closing hundreds or thousands a month doesn't really care if they lose a client giving them 5 to 10 closings a month whereas the same client would be a huge asset to us.

NEVER GET THE RUN AROUND - we would all like to think that everything goes smooth and that there are never any problems, but that is not realistic.  Things happen!  If you are ever upset about something, you call the large title company and you never get the same person or you get their voicemail and you probably do not receive a return call.  With a small title company when you call, you talk to me or my partner, that's it!  And if you are upset, we are going to work to make it right because we certainly cannot lose a customer.

These are just a few things that you can expect when using a small title company (hopefully mine)!  Best wishes to everyone out there for continued success!

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Don Draughn - Mortgage Professional
High Point, NC
This is very true.  We have a small title company that we work with and it has been a great experience.
Apr 03, 2008 04:18 AM
Daniel J. Brudnok, REALTOR
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach, REALTORS - Exton - PA License #RS-225179-L / Delaware License #RS-0025038 - Downingtown, PA


Service is the key....large or small.....yet the smaller ones become a very personal relationship that takes business to a new level.

Apr 03, 2008 04:33 AM
John Doe
Pittsburgh, PA

Thanks Dan!  I agree.  You have to be able to provide the highest quality service as well.  You pair that with a good relationship and things can really take off.

I recently read a book on referrals and it said "With all things being equal, people will do business with someone that they know, like and trust."  That is why I love ActiveRain, it facilitates relationships.

Apr 03, 2008 04:41 AM
DeAndrea "Dee Dee" Jones
Samson Properties - Manassas, VA
I have a small Title company I prefer to use in Virginia Beach.  I have went to attorneys, larger Title companies and I always run back because their services and pricing is the best.
Apr 03, 2008 05:45 AM
Pamela Knight
Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc. - Phoenixville, PA
Service is the key! Much success!
Apr 04, 2008 06:55 AM
Renee Kovacs
Renee A. Kovacs NSA Services - Northville, MI

I absolutely agree with these principles across the board.  I'll go out of my way, drive farther, even pay higher prices to support small businesses (esp. 'Mom & Pop' type) over any Big Box alternative. 

These principles extend themselves so deeply that I believe they factor into the very quality of our lives.  It really IS 'all about relationships' and that's definitely not limited to business.  We all, as human beings, have an affinity towards positive human connection - and the less our techno-advanced society gives us, the greater the need.

I recall reading at the Gallup Mkting site years ago the statistics relative to this (although I don't recall the statistics, of course!).  How the consumer will forgive many greater transgressions of a vendor, in favor of a positive human relationship.  Just as I'll pay higher prices or drive farther.  If you treat your clients as humans to connect with, and you seek out vendors who are ALSO humans you can connect with - at the end of the day, you'll feel a much greater sense of satisfaction with how you've spent the time you were blessed to have.

Apr 06, 2008 10:39 PM
John Doe
Pittsburgh, PA


Thank you for your comments.  Very well said! 

The only issue that I am finding as I prospect for new customers, and perhaps people can make suggestions on this point as well, is that many brokers are either stuck in their ways or they have a large title company who showers them with perks.  I have a good friend who is a mortgage broker and he was telling me that their title company buys pizza every Friday for their whole office.  Granted, pizza isn't a overly expensive thing, but the point is, I am not always able to make those kinds of arrangements.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how you can overcome that from a sales perspective?

Thank you very much for reading and commenting!

Apr 07, 2008 12:58 AM
Rob Robinson- Lehigh Valley PA
Bertrum Settlements (Title & Abstract) - Allentown, PA

lol - Michael, there are just some people that think a pizza is enough of a 'bribe' to justify sending business.

Personally - I ignore it.   In fact, I have told clients and potential clients that I am 'Not the Guy that brings donuts every Monday".  Almost all of them laugh, and quite a few fire shots at the absurdity of the agents that do.  I have heard Mortgage Brokers tell me that the Title Agent 'contact', thinks the 'donuts' are what drives the business.... but really wishes the people would just continue to provide good service and stop interrupting the workforce.  Stop in once in awhile and just be available in an emergency.

The bigger battle are the kickback (RESPA LEGAL) ABA's.  Man, do I hate those with a passion.  When you can pry a Realtor from their Brokers grasp - because you provide a superior service... it feels like you just hit the lottery, a trifecta and announced as MVP of the SB all in the same day.

Suggestions?  Well, it's relationship selling.  Perseverance, perseverance, perseverance.

 Oh, have coffee or lunch ONCE IN AWHILE with the Broker or the LO's or Realtors...  the one-on-one's are far superier than handing out candy to all.

After 2 1/2 years of brushoff by a client, she finally realized that her Title company sucked... to the point of TRYING us.  Now she's quite happy.  But getting them to TRY you.... that's sooooooooooo hard.  Point is. I never gave up on that potential client.

Apr 07, 2008 01:54 AM
John Doe
Pittsburgh, PA


I have to agree.  I have a friend who owns a remodeling company.  Last year he sold a nice addition and the people mentioned that they were going to refinance to pay for the addition.  My friend called me and I contacted a local broker shop.  They told me that they would gladly accept the referral and give me title on this one deal, but that they had an ABA.  The deal became extremely complicated, but we worked our tails off to get the deal done.  Finally about two weeks later, I get a call from that broker who said "I have a couple purchases and I really like your work ethic, can I give these to you?"

The fact that he wanted to order from us despite having an ABA in place was the most rewarding feeling ever!

I know our service is excellent, but I have the hardest time getting people to give us a shot.  2 1/2 years huh?  I guess I got awhile to go.  Thanks for the comments Rob!

Apr 07, 2008 02:13 AM
Jacqueline Dyson
Dyson's Mobile Notary Service - Sacramento, CA


Your post is excellent. I have an opportunity to service a brand new small title company. I will keep your post when trying to sell my service to the small companies.

Apr 08, 2008 06:41 PM
Joseph Ayscue
Examiner Home Inspections, LLC - Burlington, NC

Being friendly and at least "acting" like you are happy to deal with your customers can take you a long way.

I get tired and frustrated with people in this world that are so busy and don't mind letting you know, either by body language or actual words coming out of their mouth, that you are getting on their nerves, while just trying get good customer service.

Apr 09, 2008 01:31 AM
James Armstrong
Expert Real Estate Advisors - Mount Dora, FL
I handle everything from contract to closing

I too have worked for one of the larger 'big box' title companies early in my career. I have to agree that the level of service is no where near the type of service we offer here at Mercury Title Company and other smaller title companies like your own.  Also, the amount of knowledge and experience is much greater when you deal with a smaller title company like my own.  At the 'big box' title companies you usually deal with a title clerk or processor who usually has little to no experience in the title industry and only knows how to do their small segment of the closing process. 

If you were to ask a title clerk or processor a specific title question at one of the big box companies more than likely you would have to be transferred to a supervisor or someone else and end up geting their voice mail.  If you call Mercury Title company you will talk to either myself (who has 10 years of title experience) or my business partner who is a Florida Bar and Licensed Real Estate Attorney, not some inexperienced title clerk.  There are many advantages to usuing a smaller title company and I have to agree service is one of the greatest benefits, good post.

May 22, 2008 05:29 AM
Find a Notary Public needAnotary
QEC Internet Services - Long Beach, CA

Good recognition!  Some folks don't know what side the butter is on.  I'm glad it worked out for you and your partner.  Good foresight! 

My Pastor often says, "Some folks think more of themselves than is to themselves."  Apparent your former company thought they were a bag of chips and some! 

He would laugh last, laughs the longest and bigger don't mean better!

I teach my students that there are distinct advantages to being small.  Small firms can turn the corner on opportunities quick, fast and in a hurry if they choose to.  Large firms are like big ships; it takes a moment slow down and then you it need a lot of space to reverse directions.

A little firm with a wide net and strong work ethics could have cleaned up or the school of fish may have moved while the big ship is changing directions.

May 23, 2008 12:01 AM
John Doe
Pittsburgh, PA

Thank you very much!  Before the corporate entity came in and bought the company I used to work for, it was owned by three hard-working gentlemen.  They taught me a great deal about the business and I always looked up to them because they always seemed to be ahead of the curve so to speak.  They would be discussing ideas and things and then about 6 months later, everyone would be talking about it.

I guess I learned more from them than I initially realized.  Thanks again!

P.S. I love the analogy with the ship.  I hope you don't mind, I may have to use that one sometime!

May 23, 2008 02:31 AM
Doris Freeman
Zach Taylor Real Estate - Gallatin, TN
Broker/Agent, 615-961-7799

This is so true I still like to work with the small guys, they do try harder, I found when I owned my own title company that once we were closing over 100 a month, even our personalized service declined, its hard to keep that balance.

Have A Great Day

May 23, 2008 03:18 AM
Find a Notary Public needAnotary
QEC Internet Services - Long Beach, CA

Mike be my guess in using that analogy, but be sure to give me credit for it!  I'm glad you took the time to learn from your mentor.  Many people today don't understand the value of mentorship.  I like that respect what was given to you to help you become the person you are today.

Much luck to you and your team. Small can be beautiful.  I would appreciate if you bookmarked our website and patronize our notaries, as they are also small independent business people.  Many thime some make it and forget they were once small.  I'm glad your humility comes through in your writing.

needAnotary is a small company with a big vision! 

May 23, 2008 04:26 AM
Synergy Real Estate Solutions
Synergy Real Estate Solutions, LLC - Pittsburgh, PA

Mike, you're on the right track here with this post! Relationships are key to any business' success. Once you create the relationship and continue to provide excellent service, the business will continue to steadily pour in. As you know in our area, its hard for me and you to succeed with the area being predominantly "JV" oriented. I wish it was just Pizza these places provided!

Well done!


May 27, 2008 04:34 AM