
Howdy, Neighbor! 4 Easy Ways to Be One of the Good Ones

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart SA653565000

What makes the best neighborhoods great?  The neighbors, of course!  Do your part to put out good vibes and you'll soon notice others returning the favor. Here are four easy ways to make life a little happier in your 'hood.


Spread some cheer: Have a smile and a wave at the ready when you head out to check the mail or go for a morning run. You never know whose day you will have the chance to brighten.


Stick to the program: Find out when trash and recycling pick ups happen.  Set cans out the night before and put them away again ASAP to keep the streets clean and clear.


Lend a hand: When you see a chance to be helpful, jump in! Sweep your neighbor's sidewalk when you do yours. Offer to help carry groceries for someone with their hands full. Personally deliver a neighbor's mail that the carrier put in your box by mistake.


Get in the loop: Join the neighborhood website and add your picture to your profile. It's a great way to meet others, find out when the community garage sale is happening, and have a place to report the cute little lost yorkie you just found in your yard.


See, it's easy to be a good neighbor! Now get out there and inspire others with your shining neighborly example. You'll be glad you did.

Posted by

Julie Tulowitzki

REALTOR® - HomeSmart

mobile: 480-369-8188


* Specializing in Home Sales in Phoenix's East Valley

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Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide


It always pays to be a good neighbor!

Welcome neighbor to ActiveRain!

Dec 29, 2014 02:27 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Love this post Julie, great tips to get of on the right foot in a new neighborhood!.


Jul 08, 2015 03:25 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Julie - I love your sense of community in this post.  Welcome to Active Rain.  I am looking forward to reading more.

Jul 09, 2015 03:21 AM
Nancy Laswick
United Real Estate - Phoenix, AZ
Your REALTOR® For The Valley Of The Sun

Welcome to Active Rain Julie Tulowitzki - (480) 369-8188 I know you're going to enjoy it here.

Jul 09, 2015 06:08 PM