I was thinking today about how fortunate we all are, Realtors. Yes fortunate. Think about it for a minute. We are doing exactly what we like to do, meet new people on a daily basis, set our own schedules, and report (basically) to no one other then our spouses or significant others. Aside from getting paid regularly, how could it get any better?
We decide who we will and will not do business with when taking listing and when working with buyers. We have it in our power to determine our income level, we may need to step outside of our comfort level to achieve what we want, but there again the decision is ours.
If we decide this self employed gig is not what we were looking for we can always go back to a 9-5 job somewhere, and some of us do. Aren't options great?
After spending the last few days feeling sorry for myself I stopped and put some real thought into what I wanted out of this profession, and you know what I've got it.
What a great day today was.