It is so easy to order the big, bright and shiny full color postcards from the comfort of the home office, that I have decided to do more of it in 2015. This past order was a 'Just Sold' card that is going to 200 homes around this Brockton, MA property. The printing, labeling and postage came to about $65. per hundred, or $130. total. These are going to be hand delivered to each home and will be physically handled by the homeowner. It will be information that should be of interest to them.
People get less mail now than they used to, so this piece will stick out a little more. While it is likely to get tossed out, the information will be noted, not deleted like an annoying spam email. When they drive past the house they will mentally refer back to the information from the card. "They got that house for a pretty good price," or "I can't believe they got that much for that house."
The postal service gets a regular beating at the hands of the media, yet it remains one of the best bargains in America. Pay your bills online and there is the increasing possibility that your account will get hacked. How convenient will it be that day? I did pay the printing company with a credit card, but it's one that they already have on file.
On line marketing, blogging, video, and the myriad other ways that we get business are always going to need to get done. My feeling is that a card or letter, delivered by your mail person because it was directly addressed to you, is just a bit more valuable