Last night I was watching TV and saw a commercial. The add really made me quite frustrated. A family is having a hard time finding open houses, but then once they downloaded the app they found an open house, found their dream home, and all was good with their world. There was no mention of using it to find a Realtor - or even the word Realtor (other than, at all.
WHAT? All you need is an app? Oh boy... guess they forgot the Realtors behind the data on that app.
For years I haven't watched much television, so I'm not sure what their ads have been like. I have three favorite shows and try not to get wrapped up in much more. My favorites are Parenthood (must replace soon), The Goldbergs and The Voice. Up until recently we watched these shows via Hulu Plus or Apple TV. My family convinced me a few months ago to get U-Verse. The commercials are a drag... but it opened my eyes to being sold out!
In the next two weeks I have to write my check for my 2015 National Association of Realtors dues. This year it will include a note recommending they fight for us. A two second blurb about the benefits of using a Realtor, on a site using our name and our data, is not asking for too much.