So you think the 50's meant poodle skirts? I grew up in the 50's and never heard of a poodle shirt.
BUT........this picture is a perfect depiction of the 50's. It is supplied by Super Sleuth Anita Fuller from her personal collection of photos. These girls made up the junior Beebe AR basketball team in 1951 and 1952. Anita played for Searcy. I asked her for a picture of Searcy's team and she had none. None! The yearbook did not have a single picture of girl's sports because they were unimportant. Later on the Searcy Schools eliminated the team completely! Title IX was one of the greatest things to happen for girls. It forced schools to recognize that girls were also important and they needed sports and social activity just as much as the boys. Searcy schools started girl's sport programs again.
But Barbara, stop your rant and tell us about this picture! Notice the letter sweaters, the saddle oxford shoes with socks, the rolled up jeans, the hair with bangs and it looks as if collared shirts with checks was in style at this setting. This was the 50's!!
Anita can probably tell us more about the sweaters that have stripes or stars. I see one stripe or three. And there are two with stars and stripes!
She does not remember any of the names of these girls. Chip in if you recognize them. And now that I am in real estate that house in the background appears to have asbestos siding, another 50's addition, most likely.