This year Thanksgiving will be quite different at our house. Following an ever growing and somewhat unsettling trend the retail store where my wife works will be open on Thanksgiving.
And so for her it’s just another work day.
We no longer have any family members that live within 500 miles of us. For the first time in many, many years I will not be cooking a Thanksgiving feast.
Of course, I have been invited to join friends in their celebrations. There is comfort in having good friends that look out for you. I plan on taking full advantage of their kindness. But it’s not the same as Thanksgiving at home.
When I was a young lad growing up in Western Pennsylvania, it was not uncommon for thirty or forty relatives and family friends to gather at our modest home. Every room was packed with people, and the noise only diminished from a din during the recitation of Grace.
For some reason, I always enjoyed the cacophony of sounds reverberating throughout the house.
Nowadays, the silence is deafening..
But I have more time to mediate and reflect. And I have an awful lot to be thankful for.
And I am truly grateful for all of the blessings that I have!