
What a great time to get a Dream Home at a Bargain Price

Real Estate Agent with Star Team Realty

Imagine getting the home you wanted at a reduced price!  That's what's happening in the Phoenix Metro area today.  Not only are their bank owned homes, but short sales and even sellers being competitive in pricing.  Smart buyers are seeing that this is the time to begin looking for the dream home with a bargain price.  Prices are the lowest they have been in 3 years.  If you begin your shopping now it will cause you to get a great price on the home you want.  You now have big buying power don't miss this great time.  Its important to get the most from you buying power before the market turn again.  You can kick start your wealth creation with a great home that will appreciate over the long term. 

If you find the home you want now, you can buy it at a bargain price.  Doesn't that seem fair enough?  To find out more you can listen to my free recorded message 1-866-875-5008, want a free report on buying go to To get started right away email me at

Laura Kostyo, Star Team Realty has been in real estate for over 20 years working in this cyclical market.