Judy Goodman 931-320-9101 HousesHuntsvilleAL.com
Are You on PCS Orders to Redstone Arsenal - Houses Huntsville AL
Moving from one home to another can be difficult and nerve wracking. Moving from one part of the country to another can seem completely overwhelming when you have no idea of the area. To help you feel more confident about your move, it’s important to for you to learn “the facts” about your new town.
You need to compile a list or your needs and also your wants so that your Huntsville real estate agent is able to narrow in on that perfect home. As a spouse of a retired army pilot and resident of Huntsville AL I can help you with your questions. I specialize in relocation, especially military PCS moves. I know the area and I have been in your shoes. Together we will view the neighborhoods so you get an idea of what the home prices and amenities that houses in Huntsville AL have to offer to you and your family.
To help in your search I can send you information on all the areas that might work for you. You can also register for daily listing alerts or a market snapshot. Once you arrive we can hit the ground running. You will have a general idea of Huntsville and I know excited to finally see all the homes and neighborhoods you have been previewing online. Sound good to you?
Then request a relocation package by filling out a ew important facts. Then let’s talk.