
What Will You Do Differently In 2015?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant -

At this time of year we tend to look back at what we did and didn't do and how that worked or didn't work for us.  What are some changes you plan on making?  I do not mean just in your business either.  I think to succeed we need to be well rounded in ALL areas of our life, don't you?  

Some areas I plan on looking at are:


Time -

  • Did I spend enough time living in the moment with my family or was I too distracted?  Can I do better?
  • Did I watch too much mindless tv or dwindle my time away hanging out on Facebook?  
  • Could I have spent more time reading or learning?

Kindness -

  • Did I show enough kindness to my family, friends, myself and strangers?
  • Did I smile enough?  Did I make others smile?
  • Did I try to find ways to brighten others' lives?  

Volunteer -

  • Did I find enough areas to give my time?
  • Did I seek out enough charities to assist?
  • Did I help enough people who hadn't asked for help, but needed it just the same?

Understanding -

  • Did I seek out people who had differences of opinion and try to understand their points of view?
  • When faced with something that was outside of my expectation, did I anger quickly or reflect on the reasoning it was different?

Self-Control -

  • Did I exercise self-control when faced with temptations?
  • Did I respond or react?

Self Care -

  • Did I get enough sleep? Exercise? Joy? 
  • Did I meditate enough?
  • Did I eat food that had some nutritional value most of the time?


Can I do better?  I actually ask this of myself, but maybe not as deeply, most mornings.  Can I do better today?  How about you?  Can you do better?





Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

I take the positive approach and what do I make sure to preserve and protect. To continue to weave into the new year day to day. Count your blessings, be happy with what you are lucky to have than is way way more than enough. Reduce the none essential to free up time to just relax and not always have to be multi tasking and total efficient. Are you having fun in the short game of life on Earth? Surround yourself with positive people.

Dec 30, 2014 10:24 PM
Sarah Cole
Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant - - Tully, NY
Strategic Social Media Consultant

I like that approach Andrew.  Thank you for sharing.

Dec 30, 2014 10:28 PM
Chuck Tanner
Keller Williams Realty - Atlanta, GA
Associate Broker "Let's Get You Moving"

Sarah, I have given your post a lot of thought even before I read it. I have already voluteered to serve on a committee on my Board. I plan on being much more structured. I am going to do more marketing. I'm going to spend less time on Facebook. In a nutshell, I am getting my act together for 2015 to make it a great year! I hope you have a successful 2015 as well!

Dec 30, 2014 11:48 PM
Sarah Cole
Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant - - Tully, NY
Strategic Social Media Consultant

That's so great Chuck!  I love the thoughtfulness part before responding.  That's an area I fall short on.  Much success to you in 2015 and beyond!! 

Dec 30, 2014 11:53 PM
Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY

Good afternoon Sarah,

The time for family over the next few months will be a little short occasionally while out moving the white stuff that seems to fall in the driveway and walks!

Great points for everyone to concider.

Make yourself a Great New Year.

Dec 31, 2014 12:52 AM
Sarah Cole
Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant - - Tully, NY
Strategic Social Media Consultant

Hi Ray!  Make it a "family event."   Happy New Year to you my friend!! 

Dec 31, 2014 02:37 AM
Sarah Cole
Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant - - Tully, NY
Strategic Social Media Consultant

By the way, these are not resolutions.  Shouldn't we all from time to time, take a look back at our life to see if we make improvements?  I don't think this is a negative spin, but more for growth purposes.  I'm certainly not the same person I was 5 years ago and better not be the same person 5 years from today. Happy 2015 to you, your loved ones and your friends!

Dec 31, 2014 09:31 PM