An adventurous and eventful trip from Virginia to Florida:
I just realized that since my drive from Virginia to Florida on Friday, I haven't posted a blog. The drive is over 600 miles and it takes about 9 and a half hours, but the traffic was so bad Friday that I had to take an alternate route three times and it took almost 12 hours.
Interstate 95 is two lanes in each direction in the southern part of South Carolina and the traffic will often bottle neck there. I got off for a while on U. S. 17 and got back on I -95 when it looked like the traffic was moving better. Within a matter of minutes the traffic was stop and go; once again I got on U. S. 17 which is two lanes there so imagine my frustration when the traffic came to a dead stop a few miles north of the Georgia line! It was dark, I had been driving for over eight hours and I wasn't in the mood to sit and wait for the traffic to start moving again. After I saw several cars make a U-turn, I decided to follow them. I had no idea where I was going but I guessed that the drivers who were turning around knew yet another alternate route which proved to be true. Following the other cars to Highway 170 finally got me into Georgia and eventually back to the familiar route on I - 95 and safely home.
With all the preparations for my move next month I may not be blogging as often as usual. Hopefully my life will get back to a new normal once I get settled in Williamsburg and I will be into the blogging grove soon.