
2015 Update! Change Your Mind, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life!

Real Estate Agent with JohnHart Realty BRE#01462883

Change Your Habits - Change Your Life!Change Your Mind - Change Your Habits - Change Your Life!

Sometimes in our lives we have to let go of the old to make room for the new.  That quote has resonated more this year in my life and in the lives of those around me than ever before.  In each instance I’ve witnessed those around me make decisions that were initially very painful. Those decisions, however led them to change habits that were holding them back from reaching thier potential.  I've witnessed a painful divorce that led to a new and wonderful marriage, a weight loss transformation that has created tremendous self-esteem and career advancement, and a cross country move that has released someone from years of unhappiness working in corporate America and has already begun to spawn tremendous opportunity!  All because of changed minds that led to changed habits! 



Change your mind, change your habits, change your life.  It’s that simple. We get so rooted in routines centered on habits that don’t line up with our goals that we become “robotic” in bad habits that lead us down the road to unfulfilled lives.  We consistently do things that sabotage the lives that we imagine for ourselves.


Bad Habits = Unfulfilling Life

Because I am a songwriter and a Realtor I’ve witnessed this in both of my professions.  I work with amazingly talented musicians that cannot get out of their own way.  They come up with brilliant ideas for beautiful songs, but none of these works ever see the light of day.  The only thing that is consistent about them is procrastination. They put everything else before their craft. They complain that there are not enough hours in the day because of work and family obligations, but on any given day when work is over and family obligations are met they can be found “chillin” in front of a television or scrolling through their newsfeed on Facebook.  These musicians end up working long hours for someone else while they watch much less talented musicians realize their dreams because they sacrificed an hour of TV a day or whatever they needed to sacrifice in order to live their best lives. 


Some Realtors develop the bad habit of closing a few transactions then getting comfortable with their bank accounts and totally abandoning consistent lead generation. In six months they find themselves broke and scrambling for business.  Unlike the previous scenario with the musicians, for Realtors the result of bad habits can be a bit more immediate and painful.  They risk loosing houses, cars, husband’s, wives and their businesses all because they couldn’t be consistent in generating new business and meeting their financial obligations.


Making the Change 

Change can be painful.  It’s easier to procrastinate and blame a job or family then it is to replace one hour of TV a day or the combined minutes spent daily on Facebook with an activity that will bring a brilliant song idea to life. For Realtors it’s easier to blame the market for inconsistent income than it is to consistently lead generate.  One thing I’m sure of is that the only thing that keeps any of us from reaching our potential is our own reflection in the mirror.

Letting go of bad habits takes some serious self-reflection.  Sometimes we don’t even see the very small things that we do on a DAILY basis that keep us from reaching our potential.  Only you know what those things are and you have to be honest with yourself, which again can be painful. However, honest self-reflection will lead to change and that change will lead to growth and that growth will lead you to living your purpose and your best life.


January 2015 - Update

Last year I made several decisions about how I was going to move my life forward.  One of them was to embrace the gift I was given to write music.  I've always excelled at writing and love to research any and everything, but I particularly enjoy songwriting.   It is my dream to one day win a Grammy for songwriting.  I went on a year long journey to own my gift and work at refining it and learning how to record on a professional software platform (Protools by Avid).  As a result one of my songs landed in the hands of Ms. Alicia Keys and 3 others were considered for Grammy nominations!  Since I entered the real estate profession I thought that if I talked about my musical background I wouldn't be taken seriously as a Realtor. My coach made me actually say the previous statement out loud and it sounded ridiculous!  All those years I waisted trying to choose one or the other and never fully pursing either because I thought I had to make a choice!  I no longer live with those limited beliefs and neither should you! Whatever your passion is live it out loud, embrace your gifts and be your own biggest cheerleader!  Trust me, the universe will reward you! God bless you in 2015 and beyond!  I would love to hear your stories about how you are living out loud and pursuing your dreams, so please feel free to share!