Update on Homes in Yorktown Heights for sale
for $450,000.00 or less!
There are 61 Homes under $450,000 in Yorktown Heights.
These home range from $235,000.00 for a one br to
a 7 br for $424,500.00.
The lowest price one is $200,000.00 and the
most expensive one is $450,000.00.
16 are over $400,000.00 and 45 are under $400,000.00.
There are 61 Homes in Yorktown Heights for sale for $450,000.00 or less!
If you are looking for a home in this price range
we can help you find the home of your dreams.
Update on Homes in Yorktown Heights for sale
for $450,000.00 or less!