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Denver, Colorado - Market Demographic - Months of Inventory by Price

Real Estate Agent with Snow Coast Real Estate
Market Trend Analysis - Denver Metro Selected Towns/Cities
Based on information from Metrolist, Inc. for period March 4, 2008 until April 4, 2008.
Single Family Residences - All Price Levels
Excludes Housing Not Listed in MetroList
Note: Six (5.5 to 6.5) Months of Inventory Tends to Indicate Neutral Market, Over 6.5 Months a Buyer's Market, Under 5.5 Months a Seller's Market
Price RangeActive% of MarketSold in Past 12 MonthsSold Per MonthMonths of InventoryCurrent Activity Status Curr Month Under Contract Near Term Sales Trend
 $                  -    $        100,000                1,161 5.64%               2,556                   213                    5.5  Seller's Market                   716 Seller's Trend
 $        100,001  $        200,000                4,750 23.09%             10,950                   913                    5.2  Seller's Market                1,956 Seller's Trend
 $        200,001  $        300,000                4,848 23.56%             11,799                   983                    4.9  Seller's Market                1,475 Seller's Trend
 $        300,001  $        400,000                3,027 14.71%               5,990                   499                    6.1  Neutral Market                   727 Seller's Trend
 $        400,001  $        500,000                1,823 8.86%               2,749                   229                    8.0  Buyer's Market                   363 Seller's Trend
 $        500,001  $        600,000                1,129 5.49%               1,512                   126                    9.0  Buyer's Market                   202 Seller's Trend
 $        600,001  $        700,000                   830 4.03%                  829                     69                  12.0  Buyer's Market                   130 Seller's Trend
 $        700,001  $        800,000                   642 3.12%                  508                     42                  15.2  Buyer's Market                     78 Seller's Trend
 $        800,001  $        900,000                   449 2.18%                  386                     32                  14.0  Buyer's Market                     37 Seller's Trend
 $        900,001  $     1,000,000                   344 1.67%                  204                     17                  20.2  Buyer's Market                     26 Seller's Trend
 $     1,000,001  No Upper Boundary                1,572 7.64%                  762                     64                  24.8  Buyer's Market                   113 Seller's Trend
Total             20,575 100.00%             38,245                3,187                    6.5  Neutral Market                5,823 Seller's Trend
Note: This representation is based in whole or in part on content supplied by Metrolist, Inc. Metrolist, Inc. does not guarantee nor is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Content maintained by Metrolist, Inc. may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.
Posted by

Michael Clarkson

Broker / Owner


Snow Coast Real Estate