
Acting in the client’s best interest?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Richard Weisser Realty

Acting in the client’s best interest by Richard WeisserWe often hear that a real estate agent or broker is responsible to act in their client’s best interest.

But how do you know what is and what is not in the client’s best interest?

There is only one way to know for certain.

Ask the client.

Money may NOT be the most important thing to a client.

Issues that come up after deadlines have expired may NOT be the most important thing to a client.

Changes in the closing date may NOT be the most important thing to a client.

Additional concessions may NOT be the most important thing to a client.

And even a termination may NOT be the most important thing to a client.


As an agent or a broker it’s not your call. 

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Trisha Bush-LeFore
Preferred Properties Land & Homes - Walla Walla, WA
Providing Realtor Services in the Walla Walla Area


Great post!!!! Communication with the client is the key! Ask,  listen, and ask again.

Jan 12, 2015 01:42 AM
Gary L. Waters Broker Associate, Bucci Realty
Bucci Realty, Inc. - Melbourne, FL
Eighteen Years Experience in Brevard County

The whole answer boils downs to one thing - what the client wants.  You nailed it...communicate, ask and do, if permissible, by law and regulations.

Jan 12, 2015 01:52 AM
Gloria Todor
Premier Property Sales & Rentals - Springfield, PA
& Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA

Great points Richard.  Clients are people we rarely know intimately so we have to keep aksing for their point of view to find out what is in their best interest.

All the best in 2015!


Jan 12, 2015 01:56 AM
Christopher Pagli
William Raveis Legends Realty Group - Tarrytown, NY
"I Stay Open Until You Close"

This is why it's so important to have initial consultations with new customers.  The only way we can find these things out are by communicating and listening carefully.  I find that some agents let their ego dictate what they think the clients best interests are .



Jan 12, 2015 02:39 AM
Vern Eaton
Askov, MN
Realtor 651-674-7449

Good thought.  MOney isn't always the driving factor...honesty is often high on the list.

Jan 13, 2015 06:48 AM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

WE need to make usre the client is invovlved in all decisions for we do not know what is important to them all the time.

Jan 13, 2015 01:05 PM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Hi Richard, You are so right on with this post. Years back I presented an offer to the Seller's and the agent interrupted the presentation and said the terms would most likely not work for the Seller's. The Seller's piped up and said, we like the offer and I think we can make this work. 

Jan 14, 2015 12:54 PM